By: Ryan Phillips
Have you ever had an energetic person in your classroom? Does he or she crack jokes during class? Well if you haven't, in this article I'll be going over my interview with Xavier Johnson-Mitchell class of 2024.
Ever since Xavier was little, he dreamed of attending the brotherhood. "I wanted to go here ever since I was little" Xavier states. O'Dea caught his eye due to the academics and the safe environment the school possesses. Xavier plays 3 sports here at O'Dea which are football, wrestling, and he is currently running track.
Although the athletics is a great part of O'Dea, Xavier's favorite part of O'Dea is something bigger and heart-felt. "Fostering relationships and just being cool as brothers towards everybody is my favorite part of O'Dea" Xavier claimed. Xavier shows his social skills by asking how everyone is doing, makes jokes and simply just smiles towards everyone.
Even with Xavier being a great O'Dea student, showing up for others is truly what he is passionate about. Xavier shows his compassionate skills in the athletic playing field by showing up for his teammates when they are down.
With Senior year coming to an end for the class of 2024, Xavier has bigger plans after high school. He wants to pursue in something bigger than himself that not many people have the courage to do. "Spreading the word of God and becoming an architect is something I want to pursue in life" Xavier states. "Spreading the word of God in places that do not usually receive the word is something I look forward to doing."
Even with all the things Xavier does and has planned, he makes free time to gather himself into a non-stressful reality. Usually, if Xavier has 3-4 hours of free time he would hangout with his girlfriend or even play video games with his friends. These type of activities is what leads Xavier to be a well-balanced student.