SEATTLE-Rugby has shaped Logan Shea into a better student, but more importantly, a better brother.
Logan Shea, a senior at O'Dea High School, has found peace within his love for the game of rugby. Ever since Shea moved from Singapore, rugby has been his home away from home in the states. Shea expresses his gratitude for the sport to this day.
Shea says, "I'm extremely grateful for the sport and what it did for me during that time of my life. It’s the only thing that kept me involved in the new community, it helped me develop discipline and maturity to help with my professional life."
Beyond aiding the transition of moving across the world, rugby has opened multiple doors for Shea throughout his career.
When first arriving at O'Dea he was introduced to fellow juniors at the time, Kai Holec and Lawson Barton. Having these familiar faces at school helped Shea focus on academics and excel in his junior-year classes. He received second honors in his first 2 semesters attending O'Dea.
With classroom needs met Shea was able to put the much-needed concentration into his rugby skills. With the help of Holec and Barton their team (Eastside Lions) were able to win a state championship in the spring of 23'. While Shea was proud of the hardware he had won, he knew that he had done something more important.
While working towards that state championship, Shea had found balance in his life. Succeeding in the classroom and maintaining a good group of friends, Shea had the support of his brothers to pursue something he truly wanted to do.
Recognizing this feeling of support Shea decided to mentor sophomore Save Lotawa, who currently plays on the team below Shea at the Rugby club.
He states, "I see a lot of myself in him and want to guide him in the right direction because that’s what brothers do."
Shea plans on training Lotawa to help him secure a spot on the varsity team for next season.
Beyond that, Shea wants to teach Lotawa that there's more than big hits and try's (touchdowns) in rugby. Shea wants to show Lotawa that rugby can change him for the better in all aspects of his life.
Shea plans on continuing his education at WSU in the fall.
Shea, whether he continues to play rugby or not, recognizes it is in God’s hands he’s “just grateful that God gave (him) the opportunity to play such a beautiful game."