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Owen Kenny swinging for the final time

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

Owen Kenny’s upbringing into the game of Golf.

Owen Kenny is a senior at O’Dea playing for the Irish varsity golf team for the last two years. Golfing was more of a hobby for Owen Kenny until one faithful event.

At a young age Owen Kenny was exposed to golf by his father.

“I never took actual lessons growing up, everything I know came from what my dad taught me.” Said Owen Kenny

Learning the basics of golf, from swinging the golf club to course management. Owen Kenny wouldn’t have picked up a golf club if it wasn’t for his father.

“During Covid, I started to play a little more because it was one of the few things to do and I could play it with my friends.” Said Owen Kenny

This was a big turning point for his Golf career. Taking more time to perfect his skills and play with friends. Owen Kenny would turn back into his old ways and pick up a club again and take another swing at golf.

Because it was the only thing, he could really do during Covid. Playing more and more Owen Kenny decided to show off his skills.

“Junior year, I decided to try out for the golf team and made it which was a lot of fun afterschool in the fall.” Said Owen Kenny

He was ecstatic for the opportunity to play for the team. Really wanting to show out for O’Dea and play with his friends that are now his new teammates.

Junior year was his time, but next year was going to be that much better. Owen Kenny finding a love for the sport again, he really wanted to make a difference for his senior year.

Now with the Irish team having one win, three loses, and one tie. Owen Kenny is going to have to make some serious pushes to the next level. Training to be that much better for his team and teammates.

His goal this year his to make it to the state championship game and win it for O’Dea. Making sure he does his best and so does his team.

Having all of his knowledge and bring up brought him back to golfing.

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