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O'Dea High School Basketball Team's Brotherhood and Chemistry Lead Them to Playoffs Success

SEATTLE - As the O'Dea High School basketball team enters the playoffs as the 4th seed, they reflect on their season and look ahead to what's to come. Senior Antone Araujo believes that the team's biggest strength this season has been their brotherhood. The team has built a strong chemistry, where every member supports one another. Araujo, along with his fellow seniors, have taken on the leadership role, guiding the young players to success.


Araujo himself has improved throughout the season, becoming more vocal and confident in his decision-making. He has learned when to take shots and when to pass the ball and has become a key player for the team. He credits his improvement to being more vocal and not being afraid to ask for or give help.


The team's success so far can be attributed to their chemistry. They hang out together outside of school and practice, which has brought them closer together. They have built a family-like bond, which has helped them overcome tough challenges.


Speaking of tough challenges, the team has faced a few this season. Noelle has been out the whole season with an injury, which has been a huge upset for the team. Araujo himself was also injured for a good while, which made it difficult for the team. However, they managed to overcome these obstacles and continue to push forward.


And now, as they head into the playoffs, Araujo and the rest of the team are ready. They are determined to keep the O'Dea basketball legacy going and plan to work hard to achieve their goals. As Antone puts it, "we've come a long way but that's not an excuse to slack off. The job still needs to be done."

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