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Letter to my Younger Self


Kellen Pierce

Mr. Chambers

Sports Journalism 1



Letter to my Younger Self



Dear 13-year-old self,


You are starting 8th grade but you are online because of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has taken a toll on you because you have been so isolated from the world, and the only time you get to see your friends is behind a screen. You know you are going to be virtual all year and even your graduation will be.


You start out the year strong with good grades and no complaints so far, until comes the start of 2021 and you start to decline in your school time. You're not doing homework, not paying attention in class, and emails to parents regarding why he's never present in class. Your parents get mad at you because not only are you not paying attention, your grades are declining, and you need to submit your applications to high school. You're stuck, your grades suck, and you think you can't get them up because it's too late to try and make a comeback. Your parents are checking your grades and they are mad, and they start taking away the stuff you love. This is not how you wanted to start the new year. But it was time to lock in.


Your parents are mad, but they still want to help you. You're behind in every class and you need to make up assignments. You take it one class at a time and after 4 weeks, you eventually get your grades up to B’s and A’s. You are back to your old ways in your academic career, but most importantly, you get them up just in time for high school applications. You apply to O’Dea and they accept you, and you are overjoyed. O’Dea was your top school to get into because of their athletics.


But when you start your freshman year, you are meeting new friends and having fun, but you realize how much more different high school life is compared to middle school life. Most people, especially the seniors, are mature but you and the underclassmen are not. This leads you to where you are today, a Junior in high school coming up to the end of the year, and you're about to be a senior. You have amazing grades and are balling out in soccer, and have no complaints in life right now. You’re a mature young man and are looking into what you want to do in your future.



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