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Gameday With the O'Dea Band

By: Ismael Jackson

The O'Dea football team scores a touchdown, and in the stands, you start to hear a familiar anthem. This is the O'Dea band who have been given the task to play at all home O'Dea football games. The band is a class that takes place at zero period before school starts and practice every school day except Wednesday. They play the O'Dea anthem and other familiar songs from films, games, and even some songs by music artists.

The O'Dea band, directed by Mr. Marenco, meets at 7am to practice music until school starts. In the band we have instruments such as trumpet, bass guitar, drums, and even an accordion.

These instruments are played by students from all different grade levels with all different levels of experience but all come to the same class to sharpen their music skills. On game days they will stay after school and get ready to leave for the game to play. They play throughout the whole 1st half and in the last quarter. During timeouts, turnovers, or any downtime they will play random music that they have been learning in class such as Havana, Seven Nation Army, Never Gonna Let You Down, and other songs Mr. Marenco has taught them.

If you would like to join the O'Dea band, then email Mr. Marenco about joining or come during zero period one day and talk to him about joining. All you have is some knowledge on music theory or know how to play an instrument. The O'Dea band playing at the football games is a perfect example of unity and brotherhood because people from all different grades and different instruments all come together to add some life to the football games.

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