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  • Savenaca Lotawa

Finding a new passion when football is not an option

SEATTLE – ‘’In all honesty, I just love playing video games,’’ Chu-Eneliko said. 

Xavius Chu-Eneliko is an exceptionally good football player who started on frosh football and slowly moved his way up into the varsity football ranks where he planned to be a big part of the team. But an injury put an end to his football dreams for now.

This was not how he wanted his high school career to go, It's now his junior year; after becoming hurt he was unable to play football. He had been playing this sport his whole life; then in an instant that was taken away from him. 

Feeling lost, Chu-Eneliko went to his next passion, video games. He made this interest of his official when he started playing Overwatch 2 for the O’Dea’s esports team.

In the season opener the Irish took on Rogers High School, but suffered a tough loss, with Rogers dominating the match. The final score ended up being 2 – 0.


Despite the loss, Chu-Eneliko still pushes on and looks to continue esports beyond high school.

‘’If I can see myself making it big, I’m going to pursue it.’’ 

He hopes the opportunity for playing for a pro gaming club becomes a possibility and that if he gets the chance, he will pursue it. 

This new interest has opened doors for Chu-Eneliko and is helping him find a new passion and a way to adapt to his situation. The possibility of not playing football next year and pursuing this newfound passion and even something related to it in college.

When he’s not playing esports for O’Dea, he is still supporting his football team by helping Coach Orlina and Coach Horton as an assistant trainer.

At the fighting Irish football practices, people can see him constantly practicing taping ankles and using injured players as his subjects.  


Not only for Chu-Eneliko, but many other athletes who suffer season-ending injuries can struggle mentally. They can feel lost trying to fill a huge gap in their lives. For Chu-Eneliko this transition wasn’t easy, but because he has worked through it and been open to exploring new ways to enjoy sports and be part of a team, he is able to be a solid player for O’Dea esports and aid his brothers with the sports training program.  

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