By Matt Linares
Taking on a leadership role at O'Dea High School may require you to step out of your comfort zone and guide students to the right path. Colin Jones is a mentor group captain for Mr. Casad, and at first, it was a challenge for him, but later on, it helped him with his personal growth.

His role as a mentor group captain is to lead and plan activities during mentor group and also support everyone in the mentor group as best as he can. This includes playing in and creating mini hoop basketball, or chess tournaments. He also leads brotherhood block twice a month to create an inclusive and open environment so everyone can thrive.
A challenge he has experienced as a mentor group captain is leading activities that his mentor group isn’t enthralled with. "I have to be extra excited to get the rest of the mentor group on board," he states. Colin also faced the problem of being confident and speaking in front of the whole group whenever there were announcements to make or when he had to lead certain activities.
"The aspects that contributed most to my personal and professional growth are the great personal connections I have made with my mentor group and with other student leaders," said Colin. "These connections have helped me develop confidence and how to be helpful to many different types of people. They have also helped me in other aspects of my life outside of school which has been very helpful."