Looking for a quick and easy lunch? Well look no further because Yoshino’s has got you covered. Mr Yoshino is a man who cares about his customers. Although he may not remember every O’Dea students name he certainly remembers who they are! Sometimes old alumni will walk in and he will joke about them and mention the exact year they graduated from O’Dea. To say Yoshino cares about O’Dea would be an understatement. His bond with O’Dea is further strengthened by the fact his son graduated from O’Dea in 2015.
On top of quick easy food he has named the more popular dishes based around O’Dea and Holy names. The spicy chicken being the O’Dea and the regular being the Holy names. He gives discounts to O’Dea students if they pay in cash aswel as giving a free canned drink with every meal!
The popular go to items on the menu are the O’Dea Half and Half and the O’Dea All Rice. The Half and Half takes the classic spicy teriyaki and rice combo we all know and love and throws a twist by adding yakisoba to the mix. This is where the name comes from, half Yakisoba and half Rice. The other popular dish is the O’Dea All Rice. This dish is your traditional spicy teriyaki and rice. If you’re feeling less daring you can get the Holy Names which is the regular teriyaki. This dish, like the O’Dea comes with all rice or with half and half.